Thursday, May 10, 2012

The life and conditions in the Vietnam War was brutal and cruel. The Vietnam War lasted around 20 years, which is a very long time at war along with the horrible conditions they had. The soldiers at war had to deal with extreme heat conditions which caused dehydration for many soldiers. Lots of the soldiers were dehydrated, which was a cause for many deaths, and it effected there physical condition as well. Lots of soldiers that were dehydrated could not move around as well and function. The conditions were so bad that many of the soldiers got malaria. Many soldiers obtained the disease of malaria which caused many deaths and spread from one soldier to another. The weather conditions of the war kept on changing as well. It would be very hot on day and than the rain would not stop coming down. The war had a physiological effect on the troops, lots of Americans were dying which was effecting the will to fight and battle for other troops. 

1 comment:

  1. All I remember was (1971) taking showers from a rusty oil drum that collected rain water,constantly sweating,sleeping in the nude cause it was cooler and eating mystery meat that was either green or brown. Basically lived off beer and pork rinds from the PX. Good thing most of us were in our teens or probably would have many health problems not counting possibility of getting shot Made me appreciate the Blessings of life in the greatest country in the world
